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Art inspired by the 1914-17 voyage of the SS Endurance. 
endurance show 16
Alison installing Endurance Show
endurance show 17
endurance show 13
endurance show 15
Endurance Opening Reception
Endurance Opening Reception
endurance show 11
Endurance Opening Reception
endurance show 18
Endurance Opening Reception
endurance show 14
endurance show 19
endurance show 20
Endurance Opening Reception
Alison installing Endurance Show
Endurance Opening Reception
Endurance Opening Reception
Endurance Opening Reception
Endurance Opening Reception

Bromwell's interior designer Brent Hodge talks about the contemporary relevance of Alison Shepard's work on Ernest Shackleton and the SS Endurance.  Music by entheos.

Promo video for By Endurance We Conquer: Discover a Cool Summer, the marriage of art and design at Bromwell's

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